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The effectiveness and efficiency of employees depend on many factors, including knowledge. It is obvious that knowledge possession may enable team members to be more familiar with their daily duties and even lead to greater effectiveness and efficiency.  However, mere knowledge may not be the only determining factor. In many instances, familiarity with daily tasks and duties can assist in greater effectiveness and efficiency. The role of knowledge in those instances is clear; knowledge of those particular tasks may eliminate time lags in performance that decreases effectiveness. Similarly, a lack of that particular knowledge may lead to ineffectiveness. However, the mere possession of knowledge may not necessarily create those advantages. Hence the question becomes how to ensure that knowledge that assists in creating and maintaining effectiveness and efficiency can be acquired and maintained. Knowledge, in its most basic terms, is a subjective issue. It is ever-changing, evolving, and mutating. Yet the basics of human knowledge of fundamentals rarely change. Hence, the vital task of knowledge management teams is to emphasize uniform knowledge based on a specific industry. The most effective way to achieve a such uniform and fundamental knowledge is certainly an HR task by hiring those that have the knowledge via education or experience. It is not to say that a lack of such uniformity in applicants or hires is the only way; minimal steps such as in-house training could rectify a lack of education or experience. Yet the cost of such internal training may justify adjusted hiring procedures. Once the uniformity of knowledge and expertise has been achieved or is in the process of being achieved, the next task is certainly more complicated. In this stage, knowledge and knowledge management should emphasize the industry-specific topics and issues that may interfere with daily tasks and duties. Though one may wonder if job training which is the core of integrating new employees, is the most appropriate venue, the final judgment may depend on many factors, including industry, economic and social issues, and organizational vision. Nevertheless, the combination of on-job training and industry-specific knowledge can positively increase effectiveness and efficiency. Yet it is difficult to make recommendations and suggestions that would be uniformly true for all industries at any given time. Because information technology is an ever-evolving field that influences virtually every industry, it is rather ineffective to suggest any particular methodology without considering factors such as organizational vision and strategy, management and its respective attitude and capabilities, employee ability and willingness industry-related issues. Brought to you by World Consulting Group — Your premier management consulting firm.

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