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Workforce management is a complex and ever-changing field. Several approaches and disciplines make up the field, each with its tools and techniques. This blog post will explore some of the most popular workforce management disciplines. We will discuss what each discipline entails, how it can benefit your organization, and some challenges you may face when implementing it.


Attendance is one of the most important workforce management disciplines. It is a key factor in employee productivity and profitability.

When employees are absent, it can hurt productivity, quality, safety, and morale. Employers need to have an effective attendance policy to reduce absenteeism.

The policy should be clear and concise and outline the consequences of excessive absenteeism. It should also include provisions for excused absences, such as illness or family emergencies.

Enforcing the attendance policy can be challenging, but it is essential to maintaining a productive and profitable workforce.

Performance management

Performance management is setting goals and measuring progress towards those goals. It includes setting objectives, tracking progress, and providing feedback to employees.

Performance management aims to help employees improve their work and contribute to the organization’s overall success. By setting clear goals and providing regular feedback, performance management can help employees stay on track and improve their work.

Performance management can be a valuable tool for both employers and employees. It can help employers identify problems early on and address them before they become bigger issues. For employees, performance management can provide guidance and feedback to help them improve their work.

Performance management can be a key part of a successful workforce management strategy when done correctly. Setting clear goals and providing regular feedback, it can help employees stay on track and improve their work.


Recruiting is one of the most important aspects of workforce management. An effective recruiting strategy can help an organization attract and hire the best talent, while a poorly managed recruiting process can lead to high turnover and low morale.

There are several different approaches to recruiting, and the best approach for an organization will depend on its specific needs and goals. Some common recruiting strategies include job postings, employee referrals, campus recruiting, online job boards, and headhunters.

Organizations should also consider their company culture when developing a recruiting strategy. A company that values innovation and creativity may have trouble attracting top talent if its recruitment process is too bureaucratic or inflexible. On the other hand, a company known for its strict rules and procedures may find that a more traditional recruitment approach is necessary to attract the right employees.


The first step in managing your workforce is training. By investing in the development of your employees, you create a more engaged and productive workforce. Training also helps reduce turnover, as employees who feel invested in their company are more likely to stay with it long-term.

There are several different types of training that you can provide for your employees. The most common type of training is new hire training, which helps new employees learn the basics of their job and get acclimated to your company culture. You can also provide ongoing training for all employees to help them improve their skills and keep up with changes in your industry. Finally, you can offer leadership development programs to help your high-potential employees take on greater responsibility within your company.

No matter what type of training you provide, it is important to ensure that it is well-designed and effective. Employees should be able to see the value of the training and how it will help them in their job. The training should also be tailored to the needs of your specific workforce. By investing in quality training, you can create a workforce that is truly prepared to meet the challenges of today’s business world.

Raw data

There are a lot of data points that go into workforce management. To get started, let’s look at some of the most important raw data sets:

– Employee count and FTE (full-time equivalent) by department and location
– Timesheet data
– Absence data
– Turnover data
– Recruitment data
– Training data

This is just the start – there are many more data sets that can be used to inform your workforce decisions. But these are some essential pieces of information you need to collect.


Forecasting is a critical component of workforce management. It allows businesses to plan for future demand and ensure they have the right number of employees with the right skill sets. Several forecasting methods can be used depending on the data available and the specific business needs.

One common method is trend analysis, which looks at historical data to identify any patterns or trends that can be used to predict future demand. This can be applied to sales figures, customer inquiries, or employee absences.

Another popular method is regression analysis, which uses mathematical techniques to identify relationships between different variables. This can forecast future sales or staff requirements based on economic indicators or market trends.

Whatever forecasting method is used, it’s important to remember that no prediction is ever 100% accurate, and there will always be some uncertainty. As such, businesses need to build flexibility into their workforce planning to account for potential changes in demand.


There are a variety of workforce management disciplines that can be used to schedule employees. The most common scheduling disciplines include:

  • Workload balancing: This discipline ensures that employees are evenly distributed across all work tasks. This ensures that no single employee is overworked and that all tasks are completed promptly.
  • Time-based scheduling: This type of scheduling considers the specific time requirements of each task. This can help to optimize productivity and minimize downtime.
  • Shift patterns: Organizations can use shift patterns to create a more efficient work schedule. This often involves creating overlapping shifts so that there is always someone available to cover any gaps in coverage.
  • Skill-based scheduling: This approach assigns employees tasks based on their skill set. This can help to improve quality and efficiency while also reducing training costs.
  • Time management: This discipline helps employees work during the most productive times of the day. This can help to increase overall productivity and efficiency.
  • Shift swapping: This discipline allows employees to swap shifts with other employees. This can be helpful when an employee needs to take time off for a personal emergency or appointment.
  • Overtime management: This discipline helps to ensure that overtime hours are properly managed. Overtime hours should only be given to employees who are truly needed and should be scheduled in a way that does not disrupt the workflow. Intraday Overtime, or IDO, is an excellent way to ensure that your company is not overspending on labor costs.


Intraday is the term used to describe the schedule of activities within a given day. In workforce management, intraday refers to scheduling and coordinating employees’ work hours to meet customer demand. Several different approaches can be taken when managing intraday workforce needs.

The most common is an “open-to-close” approach, where the goal is to have the right number of employees on hand during the business open hours. This can be accomplished through various means, such as having employees who are cross-trained in multiple tasks, using part-time or seasonal workers, or utilizing flex-time arrangements.

Another approach is to use a “peak-load” staffing strategy, where additional employees are brought on during the times of the highest customer demand. This can help to ensure that wait times are kept to a minimum and that customers are served promptly. Once the peak period has passed, these employees can then be released from their duties. Whichever approach is taken, it is important to understand customer demand patterns clearly to manage intraday workforce needs effectively. With this information, businesses can make the necessary adjustments to their staffing levels to provide the best possible service to their customers.


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